The Shedd Choral Society is a repertoire reading ensemble, focusing on great Western choral music in a traditional setting. Led by Shedd faculty member Amy Adams and accompanied by Bruce Haines, the ensemble explores works by Bach, Vivaldi, Brahms, Mozart, Schubert, Mendelssohn, Handel, and many others. Non-auditioned and open to adult choral musicians at any level, rehearsals focus on learning choral parts and conclude with an informal performance that is free and open to the public.
FALL, 2015
Selections from the Bach Christmas Oratorio
Johann Sebastian Bach's Christmas Oratorio (BWV 248) was intended for performance in church during the Christmas season of 1734. It's in six parts, each part designated for one of the major feast days of the Christmas season.
This fall, the Shedd Choral Society will undertake the opening chorus “Jauchzet, frohlocket” and several chorales, including no. 9 “Ach, mein herzliebes Jesulein” and no. 12 “Brich an o schönes morgenlicht” from parts One and Two of the Christmas Oratorio.
The term-end performance will be Sunday, December 6, led by Christopher Olin.
WINTER, 2016
Ave Verum (Opus 1 no. 2) and O Salutaris by Edward Elgar
The term-end performance will be Sunday, March 21, led by a guest conductor.
SPRING, 2016
Vier Lieder (Opus 100) by Felix Mendelssohn
The term-end performance will be Sunday, June 13 to be led by a guest conductor.
SUMMER, 2016
Marienlieder (opus 22) by Johannes Brahms
The term-end performance will be Sunday, June 13 to be led by a guest conductor.
The Shedd Institute will provide vocal scores on loan to class participants.