Mariachi 11 Mariachi 10 Mariachi 9 Mariachi 8 Mariachi 6 Mariachi 5 Mariachi 4 Mariachi 3 Mariachi 2 Mariachi 4
Mariachi del Shedd
Sat, Apr 8 - Sat, Jun 10
9:30 am - 10:50 am
Room 230, The Shedd Institute
Fernell López, instructor
Tuition $75/term
Age/Grades, Skill Level, Prerequisites
Age/Grade:6th through 12th grade
Skill Level:beginner +, intermediate - advanced
Prereq's:some experience with any of the classic mariachi instruments
Supplies/equipment needed
appropriate instrument (available to rent from the Shed)d
Room 230
The John G. Shedd Institute for the Arts
868 High Street
Eugene, OR
The Eye Center
Shedd Presenting Sponsor