Edward Elgar
1. Three Part Songs, Opus 18, 1-3
- "O, Happy Eyes"
- "Love"
- "My Love Dwelt In a Northern Land"
2. "O Saluaris Hostia"
3. "Mlo, Christ the Lord is Born"

While we might know English composer Edward Elgar best in this country for "Pomp and Circumstance" at graduation ceremonies, writing part-songs (choral pieces) occupied Elgar (1857-1934) throughout his entire career. The three songs that comprise Elgar's Op. 18 have cozy and intimate, domestic texts. "O, Happy Eyes" is set by Elgar to a poem written by his wife Alice a year after they were married, and a companion piece, "Love" was added to the group many years later, when the composer was in his fifties. "My Love Dwelt In a Northern Land" completes the set, with its unmistakable "Elgarian" melody…expressive, sincere and romantic.