Winter Term 11
Weekly Schedule
Winter Term 11
Term Calendar
(Events & Camps)
Music School Registrar
School News...
Bass lesson
A New Year’s Resolution:
Learn Something New! It’s Never Too Late!!
It’s never too late to pick up a new instrument (singing or dance) or to return to a favorite one that you used to play. It may be too late to perform at Carnegie Hall – but that isn’t the reason the vast majority of people make music, and it isn’t our raison d’être for music lessons at The Shedd. We want you to enjoy your music making just for yourself – whatever that means for you!
Did you use to play but stopped? We have heard from many adults that, as youngsters, they didn’t feel they were “good enough” to continue to play. We ask back, “Good enough for whom?” Often the answer is “for my mother”, “for my teacher”, “for the competitions I had to enter”. At The Shedd, the pressure is off!! Music-making can be a completely private experience if you want it to be.
On the other hand, sharing your music-making or playing with others can be immensely satisfying and fun. At The Shedd you can meet others who are playing at your level and have similar musical interests. Your instructor can coach you as an “ensemble”, as well as private lessons – be it bluegrass, classical, accompanying, duets, jazz, rock band, you name it.
We also encourage you to experiment. Always wanted to try fiddling, saxophone, or piano, but aren’t sure if you’ll like it. Rent an instrument from The Shedd for a month and take a few lessons. If it isn’t the right instrument, try something else. For youngsters we structure an initial hands-on experimentation with the Music Box class (see below). For adults, we encourage you to do your own experimenting to find the right fit just for you with both an instrument and instructor.
What a great way to ring in the New Year! Or start at any time to enrich your life with your own music-making!
Focus on the Classes...
Little trumpeter
The Music Box!
Parents, especially for the younger students you may be wondering where to start. If you have asked yourself questions like “What instrument will they like?” or “What is ‘best’ for my child to start on,” there’s a class made just for them! The Shedd’s Music Box is great way to let kids first explore a wide range of options so that they have some hands-on knowledge about what an instrument feels and sounds like.
The weekly Music Box class does just that -- each week featuring some basic music skills and a hands-on introduction of a different instrument. We encourage parents or grandparents to stay, and even participate, in order to have a special conversation over dinner. Who knew that trumpet was the “right” instrument for your child? Or that a saxophone can really tickle at first? Or what fun a ukulele can be?
You do not have to sign up for the whole term with this unique Wednesday afternoon class, but can drop in at any time. You can purchase a reduced “ten pack” of class tickets to bring additional siblings and friends to share the fun experience! Read more...
young guitarist
Learn Guitar
Guitar is a favorite instrument among aspiring musicians and it is an relatively easy instrument to get some tunes out of in a hurry...and yet is endlessly rewarding to those who stick with it through the years! This term we offer 2 classes for beginning guitar for kids, one slightly more advanced than the other. If one class doesn't work out, try the other. There is also the option from private lessons. Read more...
The Eye Center
Shedd Presenting Sponsor